ROMA will be hosting its first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Friends Pride event all day September 20, 2008.
Events are open to all! Come and join in the fun!
11:00 AM SL Time
Pride ParadeCitizens are invited to make a float for the Parade, march, or just line the main street of ROMA to watch the parade. The route will wind its way from the ROMA fort, past the Arena, through the Plaza, through the Subura, and end at the Subura Baths. There everyone is welcome to enjoy themselves and socialize at our Subura Tea Dance.
2:00 PM SL Time
Pride Symposium: Same-Sex Relations in AntiquityROMA LGBT & Amici and the ROMA Scholastica Antiqua groups are co-sponsoring a lecture and symposium open to all. Torin Golding, owner, builder and Urban Prefect of ROMA, will give a short lecture on same-sex relations in antiquity. Then the floor will be opened to all for a general discussion of the topic, and on the general incorporation of LGBT within an SL context. The venue will be the large Basilica in the ROMA Forum. Come early to grab a couch!
4:00 PM SL Time
ROMA God and Goddess Drag BallOur final event will be a ball. Citizens are invited to come in a drag costume of a particular god or goddess of the ancient world. If you are normally a male in SL, come as a goddess. If you are normally a female in SL, come as a god. You can change anything except your shape to help with your drag outfit. Lots of dancing and fun for all, and we will be giving a prize for the Dragus Maximus and the Draga Maxima of the Ball!