October 2008 marks the second anniversary of the opening of ROMA as its own estate. This makes ROMA the original ancient Roman themed land in Second Life. To mark this birthday we are holding a week of events from 12-18 October.
Here is a full schedule:
Over L$7000 in prize money is available to be won during this contest which will run the length of the festival. See the official rules on the photo board in the ROMA Plaza.
During the festival, Bumper Chariots can be rezzed around the estate. You can drive these anywhere in the estate (beware that they will de-rez when you stand up!)
The ROMA Fort will be turned into a Bumper Chariot Ring- come here and play with your friends!
There will be a display offering freebies from our ROMA Merchants in the Julian Plaza, just over the sim line in the Subura.
Donation boxes will be scattered around the estate soliciting donations to help with the purchase price of our new ocean sim,
ROMA Maritima! Please donate if you can and that money will go to support the cost of the new sim.
12 OCTOBER (Sunday)10 am - ROMA Blessing RitualThe priests and priestesses from the Collegium will perform a public blessing of ROMA to open the festival. Afterwards there will be dancing! (Location: ROMA Throne Room)
12pm Live Music- Stella!Sella Silvansky will come and give a live music concert to keep the party moving. (Location: ROMA Throne Room)
4pm ROMA Scholastica Symposium: Latin Beyond RomeWilliam Gide will present a talk as part of the lecture series sponsored by the ROMA Scholastica group. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
13 OCTOBER (Monday)11am Fishing ContestCome take part in the 7Seas Fishing Contest in ROMA. First, second, and third place winners will get a cash prize, and everyone will be able to keep the neat things they pull out of the water. (Location: Lake Trasimenus in ROMA Transtiberim)
6pm Night Fishing ContestCome take part in the 7Seas Fishing Contest in ROMA under the stars. First, second, and third place winners will get a cash prize, and everyone will be able to keep the neat things they pull out of the water. (Location: Lake Trasimenus in ROMA Transtiberim)
14 OCTOBER (Tuesday)1pm ROMA Scholastica Symposium: The Etruscan Roots of Roman ReligionLudovik Cazenove will present a talk as part of the lecture series sponsored by the ROMA Scholastica group. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
2:15pm Gladiator Fights!The Ludus Dacicus Gladiatorii group in ROMA will sponsor exciting gladiator bouts in the arena in Ostia. There will be cash prizes for the winners. Those wishing to take part should make sure they are members in good standing of the Ludus group and make their intention to fight to the group's officers. (Location: Ludus Arena, Ostia in ROMA Transtiberim)
15 OCTOBER (Wednesday)4pm ROMA Scholastica Symposium: Latin Beyond Rome William Gide will present a repeat performance of his talk as part of the lecture series sponsored by the ROMA Scholastica group. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
16 OCTOBER (Thursday)1pm Military TriumphThe Legion XIII and LEGIO groups will stage a massive triumph in the ancient Roman style, parading through ROMA to the Capitoline Temple, where ROMA’s priests and priestesses will perform a blessing ritual. (Location: Come watch anywhere along the parade route)
2pm Treasure HuntImmediately following the triumph, a large treasure hunt and live-action contest will be held in the estate. Cash prizes for the winners!
6 pm The Origins of the SenateSenator and Censor Mickey James will present a public talk on the origins of the ancient Roman Senate. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
17 OCTOBER (Friday)11am Special Ave Weekend PartyStart your weekend off with some great dancing and chat. (Location: TBA)
1pm ROMA Scholastica Symposium: Caligula - A Mad Tyrant? Serafina Itano will present a talk as part of the lecture series sponsored by the ROMA Scholastica group. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
8pm Special Ave Weekend PartyStart your weekend off with some great dancing and chat. (Location: TBA)
18 OCTOBER (Saturday)12 pm ROMA Scholastica Symposium: Gender & Sex in Ancient Greece and RomeCatDeville Llewellyn will present a talk as part of the lecture series sponsored by the ROMA Scholastica group. (Location: ROMA Basilica)
4pm ROMA Halloween Costume PartyHalloween comes early in ROMA! This feast and dance will mark the official end of the ROMA @ II celebrations. There will also be prizes and a trivia contest. (Location: TBA)