We have waived the $1 US fee to build a garden installation in the Subura Community Gardens. Things are tough economically all over, and we did not want that to interfere with providing relaxing green spaces for the Subura community.
Now, any current Suburan resident can claim a garden plot and begin building for free! (Please still claim the plot by paying the rental pyramid one linden dollar, which is the smallest denomination it will accept. We will reimburse you the linden dollar.)
Use your Subura Group tag to begin building. Sundays are the best day to claim a plot, as that is when the old builds will be cleared away.
Change to Contests:
Some liked the contest angle of the Community Gardens, some did not. So we will aim to satisfy both!
First and third weeks of the month will be free build. Come make any kind of garden or green space you want! Try a pond or a fountain. Make someplace you would like to hang out, and then invite your friends!
Second and fourth weeks of the month will be a competitive build along a theme. The theme will be announced at the start of the week. There will be special prizes and an RAS badge for each winner. Public voting will start each Wednesday of a contest week.
Not a Suburan Renter? No Problem!
Any Citizen older than 3 months can try their hand at a Garden by claiming the rental prim. Contact Zelda Walpole and she will add you to the Subura group for the duration of your week.
In addition, making a garden gives you a free week residence in the Menander Apartments! See Zelda for details if you are interested. Limit one free week a month.
Some Old Rules Still Apply
- All 12 Tables and Subura covenant rules are in effect
- No offensive builds and all must respect the non-Adult content rating for the Subura.
- No actual buildings. The build should be an open air garden theme with at least some plants or trees, although some things like furniture are allowed
- No deliberate blocking of paths or other people's builds
- No temp-rezzers or laggy scripts,
- No deliberately modern builds, although other ancient cultures besides Roman are allowed. Some flexibility for anachronism is allowed, but the build should be neutral or specifically ancient in design.
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