Saturday, September 8, 2007

Full of Flickr

Several new categories have been added to the ROMA Citizens Flickr page, including separate sets for individual ROMA Citizens that have provided photos. If you have donated pictures and your name is not there, let Torin know (he made this list purely from memory, and we all know how that is!).

If you would like to see all the various collections of ROMA Citizens photos, you can go here.

A list of all of the sets can be found here.

If you have jpg images you would like to donate to our growing collection, you can email them to romacitizens [at] yahoo [dot] com. Please make sure to include your SL name so we can attribute them.

If you have your own Flickr album, send the link to the above address or to Torin and he'll provide a link.

(Please remember that all of the images are still the property of their original creators so no copying or hotlinking. Many thanks!)

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